Individual Coaching

Personal Change Coaching

This program is for individuals who want to make a positive, powerful change in their lives – end something old, start something new, improve an area, or a habit, coaching is how one can find strength and find ways. It is all about bringing positive energy and increasing personal potential. It is about finding happiness and discovering new opportunities, building healthy relationships. It is about finding what is important for the coachee, building self-confidence and finding emotional balance, aligning his/her life with his/her personal values and goals.

Executive/Business Coaching

The individual coaching sessions address the specific needs and problems of a manager. By suggesting questions to answer, steps to take and new ways and approaches the coach helps the coachee improve his/her management performance. The learning process includes self-critical examination, taking risks and reaching goals. The coach is an objective sounding board and listening partner in the coachee's process of business growth. Whether he/she is newly appointed manager, or has some challenges in an old team, or just wants to achieve more – coaching can lead to quick and stable results.